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Sensitivity of Homeless Camps Cleanup

Public advocates encourage efforts to include people experiencing homelessness in the City of Fort Worth, Texas’ parks. This group, comprised of non-government organizations and church communities, proclaim that homelessness is situational and can happen to anyone. They organized feeding programs and distribution of essential materials for people experiencing homelessness in public parks. Glenwood Park experienced the largest invasion from the homelessness population. The playground structure was turned into a living room, and the picnic shelter was converted into a group warming area. There are multiple shelters scattered all over the wooded areas. The people experiencing homelessness occupied all 36 acres, resulting in families and patrons abandoning the park entirely. Drastic efforts to reclaim the park involve combined efforts of the city police, Glenwood community, homeless shelters, TCU staff with their students, and our maintenance workers. We organized several weeks of cleanup activities and got the park functional again for the public.

CEU's: 0.04

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Social Media Marketing 101

This session will dive into the basics and nuances of social media marketing. We will look at the differences between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube and the useful tools for these platforms. Learn how to find, create and choose which trends to engage with across these platforms, as well as the best strategy for producing captivating, engaging and educational content for your agency. We will go over how to monitor communities and ensure they feel they are part of a connected group and gaining from your content. We also will discuss how to analyze basic metrics, set goals for social media marketing, and differentiate content across platforms and the field.

CEU's: 0.1

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The American Red Cross Portfolio: What's New

The American Red Cross continually updates it's training courses. This session will provide a preview of what's coming from the American Red Cross Training Services team.

CEU's: 0.04

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The Swim Equity Gap

According to the USA Swimming Foundation, 64 percent of the country’s African American children have little-to-no swimming ability, compared to 40 percent of Caucasian kids. Closing the swim equity gap is a real challenge for park and recreation agencies across the country. Learn techniques and program ideas that appeal to youth from various racial and ethnic backgrounds and keep them engaged with aquatics activities. Explore the growing success of youth involvement via competitive swimming and other water sports offered in Washington, D.C. See firsthand how developing skills and talent can lead to career opportunities in the aquatics field.

CEU's: 0.1

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The Three Leadership Brains: Smarts, Compassion and Courage

The pandemic ushered in an unprecedented series of challenges that have required an ethical core, compassion and competence — essentially, the three leadership brains. Parks and recreation must have strong, capable and courageous leaders at the helm now more than ever. The future will always rely on the choices we make — and those choices will lead to the next chapter of the park and recreation story that future generations will read and judge.

CEU's: 0.04

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To Protect and Perform

Providing safe swimming pools and guest experiences requires good preparation and planning. At the end of the day, an aquatics facility is only as safe as the administration and staff working there make it. Training aquatics staff to safely operate and supervise a facility and its users should be an agencies highest concern. This session will cover how to prepare staff to protect patrons and perform effectively and efficiently when needed. By sharing statistical data, proven training methods and operational techniques, participants will learn how to reduce risk and increase staff and guest safety at their aquatics venues.

CEU's: 0.1

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Upward Mobility of Women in Parks and Recreation

Come hear how four women from different backgrounds, with different size agencies and in different size populations all rose to the level of park and recreation agency director. Hear their experiences and the steps they took to make it to the top. Ask your questions to gain insight on what it takes to become a director in the ever-changing field of parks and recreation. Ask what directors are looking for when they hire staff and who they look to promote to the top. Come and experience an open panel conversation about the highs and lows on the rise to the top that these panelist experienced as they have progressed through their careers. With more than 70 combined years in the field of parks and recreation, this exciting panel has lots to share.

CEU's: 0.1

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Urban Forestry as Part of Your Park Operations

This session will illustrate the importance of developing and incorporating an urban forestry program into park operations and discuss the pros and cons of forestry being a function of a park and recreation professional versus a function of city codes or public works. Attendees will discover tools to become advocates for the development of forestry programs and make an impact by taking an active role in maintaining and caring for their respective urban canopies. This presentation also will inspire park and recreation professionals to actively be engaged in the management of their memorial tree programs, tree selection and location for parks, heat island mitigation, and best practices for preserving their local urban canopy. Learning Objectives: 1. After attending this session, attendees should be able to appreciate the importance of urban canopy preservation and its direct connection to the park and recreation industry. 2. After attending this session, attendees should be able to apply the valuable perspective of a park and recreation professional when assessing tree issues versus other city and county employees. 3. After attending this session, attendees should be able to recognize the direct correlation of a robust tree management program with successful park programs and designs.

CEU's: 0.1

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What Makes a Park Inclusive to All Users?

Ensuring park facilities are accessible and inclusive to everyone takes planning and an understanding of minimum design requirements. Creating accessible features are a great start, but if they aren’t connected by infrastructure, accessible site furnishings, and community assets that follow the same principles, the resulting participation will not be integrated and may not be successful. Join Bill, who was part of the team that developed the recreational facility requirements in the ADA Guidelines and spent 20+ years on staff at the US Access Board as he discusses whole park accessibility and shares insight from park users with disabilities on improving the overall experience.

CEU's: 0.04

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Why Culture, Arts and History Should Be a Strategic Focus

Parks and recreation has, at times, been type cast as having largely sports-oriented programming. While arts and culture are not new to many programming staff, it is an area of growth for our field; we can professionalize this within our organizations, from museum exhibits to public art installations to theater offerings. Arts-, culture- and history-focused programming allows your organization to reach an entirely new audience segment, build 21st century skillsets, and build bridges and trust within diverse populations. This session will share some ways you can be more strategic as a provider of arts and cultural programming. This session will include one organization's journey to demonstrate a focused commitment through organizational structure, staff expertise, and partnership development to build trust in the community. The session will also highlight the role of arts and culture as a catalyst for diversity and inclusion, resiliency and creative placemaking.

CEU's: 0.1

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